Monday, March 30, 2015

Quick Updates

With my freshman year of college wrapping up, I hope to have a bit more time to blog in the coming months. Until then, here are a few updates:

Just B Beautiful

I recently landed an internship with Just B Beautiful, a bridal beauty company located in Philadelphia and NYC. Find a link to all of my JBB blog posts on my homepage!

Declared Minor

By the end of this semester, I will have officially declared my minor in English! I'm excited to get started reading fiction and writing creatively again.


I recently had my first poem published in the University of Pennsylvania's student-run literary magazine, Flux, and I hope to submit to more journals and magazines in the next few weeks. Additionally, my poem "Mother" will be published in a upcoming zine called Dear Mom, available for pre-order soon here. April is National Poetry Writing Month, or NaPoWriMo, so look out for poetry on the blog next month!

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